
24, Jan 2018
Start-Ups And Taxes
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If you are one of the proud owners of a startup company, then you would know the difficulty to start and maintain the company through all of the challenges that would have to be faced. Some of those challenges include the amount of taxes you would have to pay to the government and all the other procedures you would have to undergo to get to the point of paying the government. With all of your transactions going on in the company, you would not usually have the time to concentrate on the taxing procedures and all the work that comes with it. There are ways, however, to reduce the amount of tax that you will be paying the government every year. With the help of a professional, you would be able to save a lot of money and a significant amount of time too. This article will discuss about the various ways a professional could help your company with auditing as well as the number of taxes a startup would have to pay.


The easiest way for the owner of the startup to handle everything would be to hire a small business accountant. This individual will act as an auditor as well as a consultant. He/she would assist you and your company with everything from the structure of your organisation to your sales and your purchases. This auditor could also help things like, sale reviews, analysis and appraisals. This bookkeeper could also help with the setting up of the business, helping with all of the documentation as well the legal formalities that have to be done and completed to set up and start the business. It is important, however, to take precaution when hiring the accountant who is going to help you in your endeavors. Hiring the wrong person could cause you catastrophic damage and a potential shut down.


Depending on the structure the company is built on, the different taxes that the owner must pay. These taxes will be different for companies that are sole traders from companies that are partnership form of business. You could hire a tax return accountant in Sydney to handle all the taxes or if the owner is well versed in the job of bookkeeping and auditing, the owner should handle it then. There are many forms of taxes that have to be carefully studied since paying taxes is a law and any unpaid taxes could lead to legal issues. Having a startup is not easy. The first year of the startup is going to be challenging and will need a lot of work. It is important to keep all if the federal laws in mind while handling a business to avoid any unnecessary inconveniences.